An affair or deception doesn’t make you a bad person. It's often a symptom of something that's not working in your life. 

And that’s something we can definitely figure out through infidelity counseling.

Find clarity, never judgment

SERVINg NEW YORK, connecticut & FLORIDA RESIDENTS virtually



Maybe you feel like you’ve been living a double life, where your partner doesn’t know that you had (or are having) an affair.

You feel so anxious about it — what if you get caught? Do you want to get caught? Are you ruining your relationship? 

And yet, you’re not totally sure why you’re doing this. There’s no one in your life you can talk to. Your friends and family might judge you (or worse: be devastated). 

Here’s what I want you to know: You’re not a bad person for having an affair. It’s a sign that something needs to change or a deeper issue needs to be addressed. 

I can help you sort through what’s going on and arrive at clarity through infidelity counseling: what led you here, whether you should stay in your relationship, and how to repair if you do. 

IF you’re the one who had the affair… 

if you’ve discovered your partner had an affair…

This is a profoundly disorienting experience. You thought your relationship was good! Does this mean it’s over? What do you do now?

You’re probably feeling incredibly anxious, peppering your partner with questions to try to make sense of what happened. Or maybe you’re completely reeling, unable to even really talk about it with them. 

Right now, it feels like you might never be able to trust them again and your whole world is falling apart. Betrayal trauma from infidelity is real, and we'll address it head-on.

I can help you sort through the tangle of your emotions and thoughts until you feel like you’re on solid ground again. And ultimately, I’ll help you find clarity about what to do next, whether it’s repairing the relationship or moving on. 

Both of you have experienced a deep loss, and you’re both mourning the death of the relationship you thought you had. 

This is an overwhelming time, and it can feel impossible to know what the right thing to do is when you’re barely keeping your head above water with all these emotions. 

I'll help you both discover what the root cause of the affair was, and if at all possible, work toward rebuilding through infidelity counseling.

If recovery is not possible, we’ll also find a way to break up in a way that feels respectful to the relationship.

if you and your partner want to work through a betrayal together…

Discovering a secret addiction, a big lie you’ve been told, an emotional affair, or financial infidelity — these can all be devastating and destabilizing.

Betrayal trauma therapy, with you alone or as a couple, can help you find understanding, healing, and clarity. So you can move on from this emotional overwhelm. 

Not all betrayals are full-blown affairs.

Curl up on your living room floor with your favorite cozy blanket to share your feelings!

To get started, share what you’re seeking to get out of therapy in my brief welcome form, and I’ll be in touch to schedule your first online therapy session.

Online therapy from the safe space of your home 

how it works

Online therapy, including infidelity counseling and betrayal trauma therapy, is open to all residents of New York, Connecticut, and Florida. We meet in a private, secure Zoom room.

You should reach out to your insurance provider to find out about your out of network benefits. Questions to ask would be: Do I have out of network benefits? Do I have a deductible? What percentage of services are covered after reaching my deductible?

How do I know if I have out-of-network benefits?

If you're looking for a therapist who really gets infidelity and betrayal trauma (and you don't mind a little sarcastic humor), I'm your right choice.

You can expect me to do a whole lot more than just sit back and listen: I’ll ask questions and give feedback to actively guide you. 

Are you the right therapist for me?

I am in network with UMR Top Tier for Mt Sinai employees. Otherwise, I am an out of network provider. If you have out of network benefits, services may be covered in full or in part by your health insurance plan. I will provide you with invoices which you can submit to your insurance company for out-of-network reimbursement. 

Do you take insurance? 

It's absolutely okay to come into infidelity counseling without a clear end goal in mind (break up or stay together).

Part of the process will be finding this clarity!

What if I don’t know whether to stay together or not? 

Frequently Asked Questions

It truly depends — there's no easy answer anyone. I will say that you get what you put into therapy; taking it seriously, being brave and honest… these things will help you feel better faster. Infidelity counseling and betrayal trauma therapy can vary in length depending on your specific situation.

How long do I need to be in therapy? 

My fee starts at $300 for a 45-minute individual session. Couples sessions are $400 for 55 minutes. I can provide a statement you can submit to your insurance for possible reimbursement.

What is your fee? 

To get started, share what you’re seeking to get out of therapy in my brief welcome form, and I’ll be in touch to schedule your first session. 

I’m currently accepting clients who live in New York, Connecticut, or Florida. 

Curious about working with me?